Saturday, October 13, 2007

Animation Time, Come On!

For this week's class, I had the opportunity to create my first animated GIF. The instructions suggested we use a tool called GIMP, but I didn't feel that I had sufficient time to become familiar with a different software package. I toyed with the idea of using Photoshop or Fireworks, and ultimately decided on Fireworks. I found a great tutorial to help me get started.

I used a sprite sheet found on the ShyGuy Kingdom site. Once I found a sprite sheet that had a good sequence of events, creating the animated GIF took very little time at all in Fireworks. I selected the graphics I needed from the sprite sheet using a rectangular selection tool, copied them into frames in Fireworks, and optimized the file as an animated GIF.

I'm quite proud of the little thing, but I can't post it to show you. Apparently, is having problems uploading images right now.


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thanks for helping out with the animated gif exercise!!!

Scott said...

No problem at all! I'm glad I was able to be of help.