Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wiki, Schmiki!

My post title notwithstanding, we recently launched a corporate wiki and it's a good thing that we're embracing Web 2.0 tools. It has been online for not quite a month and we've been getting some good participation from our customers. However, since this is a corporate wiki being used by corporate employees, there is a great deal of concern in HR and Legal about possible inappropriate wiki postings. Ideally, a wiki is supposed to monitor itself and users would resolve inappropriate postings without having to get a moderator involved. I hope that we can get to that point, but for right now, we check the wiki several times a day to see if anything obscene or obviously against company policy has been posted. I think that once the wiki is more self-monitoring, we will see some more effective participation and get better results out of it.

We've also learned that we have to market the wiki so that people don't forget about it!


Unknown said...

Hey Scott, Sounds like an adventure. I hope it works. Our class wiki seems to be taking a life. I'm not sure if it's a life of its own or our life but it's taking. :)

Scott said...

Hi, Cliff! I hope you had a good summer and that you're all set up over at the new digs. Thanks for reading my blog. I'll keep posting to it.

I hope you have a great Fall!
